What We Do

Thursday night is our time to engage in worship and teaching with all of our students. We see this time as a great opportunity each week to refresh, train, and refocus on our mission to reach students. Our large group meetings also create fantastic opportunities for students to connect with new people from different areas of campus. Join us as we fellowship in the Lord each week.
If you’re thinking about coming and want to learn what Challenge is about, Thursday night is a great place to start! We’d love to meet you this Thursday at 7:30pm.
LIFE Groups are the core of Challenge and bring us together. Students engage in a tight-knit community to explore the Bible in order to find practical ways to apply it, enjoy spontaneous and fun time together, and develop lasting relationships
LIFE stands for: Learning Biblical Truth, Intercessory Prayer, Fellowship, and Extending Life to Others. Each group is led by current students or staff who are seeking after God's heart and would love to connect with you!
Freshmen Connection is our small group ministry for freshmen. It provides a great opportunity for freshmen to connect with each other and with Jesus throughout the year. It is a wonderful place for you to build relationships and meet together to learn how to navigate all that comes with this new chapter in life.
It's a great opportunity to make friends with freshmen with like hearts, discover your purpose for life in college and beyond, learn relevant and applicable truths for your life, and eat FREE food.
For more information please contact:
Romano Orlando - romanomichael20@gmail.com
Sam Orlando - sam.r.taylor9@gmail.com
or connect with us on Instagram!
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